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Group of 9000

Maharishi ji

The question comes up, why is 9,000 the number of peace creators required for the world? The 9,000 number is approximately the square root of one percent population of the world. At present the world population is about 7.5 billion-750 crores with square root of one percent about 9000.

It has been clearly demonstrated by rigorous scientific studies that when square root of one percent of a population practices Transcendental Meditation and the TM-Siddhi Programme including Yogic Flying in any area of the world, it creates a powerful influence of peace and harmony and dissolves negativity, decrease terror, conflicts and violence in that whole area. Positivity rises in every area of individual and societal life.

Maharishi had first introduced Transcendental Meditation to India and then the world in the 1950's. From that time, and with the experience of ever-increasing numbers of meditators of their profound benefits to their health, mental clarity, social life, Maharishi always emphasized the importance of scientific research. It was found in 1975 that in addition to the scientific verification of the personal benefits, that if 1% of a region practiced TM that a clear effect of societal peace and coherence was produced. With the advent of the advanced TM-Siddhi Programme, including Yogic Flying, it was expected that the number of practitioners to produce this powerful effect of coherence in collective consciousness would be reduced.

The first major test of this prediction took place in 1978 during Maharishi's Global Ideal Society Campaign in 108 countries: crime rate was reduced everywhere that this square root of 1% was reached along with other negative tendencies and positive trends increased.

In December 1983, the first assembly of 7000 Yogic Flyers (at that time the square root of one percent world's population) was organised in Fairfield , Iowa, USA. This assembly was given the name "Taste of Utopia". Trends clearly indicated signs of positivity worldwide including better economy, a rise in share index, less hospital admissions, reduction in crime and accidents etc.

This effect has been repeatedly demonstrated worldwide, when large World Peace Assemblies were held.

For a long time, there has been a desire to establish a permanent group - enough for the whole world (now 9000). In the beginning of 2000, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ji has expressed his divine desire to establish this group at Geographical Centre—Brahmasthan of India, near district Jabalpur at Madhya Pradesh.

It seems, now the time has come to establish this group. All Maharishi Organisations are trying to establish this group very soon with the generous contribution of peace loving citizens and organisations of the world.